Friday, 20 December 2013

26-11-2013 (Tuesday)

26-11-2013 Tuesday


首天抵达机场时,就大饱眼福,当地的机场工作人员的长相不比韩国逊色。男帅女靓,满足了我们这班小色男小色女。抵达合艾,我们到城中逛逛。合艾是泰国多个城市中最靠近马来西亚的城市,人口繁密。当中有许多口操本地华语和马来语,显然我国游客居多。在车内看着车窗外划过的景色,当中发现某些泰国有趣又经典的泰国特色,比如说,泰国的电线杆特别有趣,有别于我国的电线杆,合艾的电线特别的多,一堆黑色粗大的绳子栓在杆子上,看起来非常凌乱。此外,马路上密密麻麻的电单车忙于穿梭在车辆中,有名的tut tut车上载满了乘客,坐着的甚至站着的乘客都有。离开合艾前,造访了当地的沙龙院。只因为,到泰国,怎么能不去“马杀鸡”按摩按摩呢?大部分的沙笼院提供一条龙的配套任客人选择,价钱也合宜。选择了脚底按摩,因为有预感接下来的行程会不好行。

紧接着,便往Satun出发。合艾距离Satun大越有两个小时的车程。地点较偏僻。虽然车程久些,但沿途上的景色宜人,所以我们在车内一边谈笑风生一边欣赏美景中度过。不知不觉中抵达了目的地。我们被安排在当地的Langka Beach Resort留宿两晚。度假屋的客房面向大海,整齐干净。早晨从房里的落地窗望去,可以看见遥望无际的海洋,渔夫捕鱼的情景;夜里,海浪声伴着入睡,非常写意。

Friday, 13 December 2013

Chapter 17: I'm Back!

OMG!!x1000 Never keep my blog updated for one year almost. I have to learn how to blogging start all over again since I am still a new-born blogger. Within this year (2013), I have completed a lot of tick on my must-do-list. Once you completed it successfully, it makes you keep fighting for the goals and never get tired for challenging something new. Okayy, I 'might' updated my life in 2013 as quick as I can, as 'hardworking' as I can. Xmas is coming again soon and that makes me felt such a speedy because my last previous post is about Christmas too! T.T Cannot really enjoy Xmas this years. As a compensation for myself, I bought a retro instant mini 90 as my xmas gift. *wink* And of course, I lower down a bit with the actual price when she asking how much I spent on my babe. *evil smile*Let's my mini 90 says "Hi" here <3 ( I swear I will take my best care on you forever ^.^) 

Now you can find your preference instant camera on
(with a good prices that will let you smile in this Xmas)

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Chapter 16: Ice Ages

Yeah! I have done all my shitty paper this morning! Finally can have a good sleep and have no worries when watching drama and hang up with friends!! 

As the photo showed above, the days before exam, we go for bowling and ice skates!LOL!!I can't believe I got the lowest marks for bowling session >< Shan claimed that she not play bowling that frequent, but guess what?She got the highest marks for it! T.T This is the second time I play bowling, the first time was in Malaysia. I still remembered that my friend laughing non-stop on me because, the bowling ball was 'slipped' off from my hands when I try to 'throw' it out. Damn embarrassed that time...Plus, I think playing bowling is wasting money, so I didn't play that frequent. This time, my friends have invite me to join them. I agreed with them because they keep nagging with the same excuse to me!! You going home going home soon LOL!! 

What I really interested are the ice skates. Before try by myself with ice skate, I think the people who can do ice skate very well is pretty cool. But when I put on the 'shoes', I started to felt worry..the 'shoes' make me hard to walk on floor..Once I stepped on the ice, GOD!!I can't even stand properly!!I need something to hold in order to stand and move a little bit forward, just a little bit...T.T I have to say that I am really not good in sports. Shan holds me all the time, round by round. She claimed that she not good in ice skate but, again...she even can do it better than me..much more better I guess! So, we both skate like 'ah ma' on the ice. I have to thumb up for her courage, I can't remember how many times she fall down.. (ps: Me, only one time xD, thanks God!)but she keep stand up and trying again and again.

Lesson learnt from her, keep trying again and again, do not ever give up in my life. =) I felt so scare on the half way and keep begging Shan that I wanna go home, I wanna get out from there..*cry*  Most of the people there was so good in ice skate, but I think we should not feel shame and give up easily. It was a good and funny experience, I would like to try ice skates again next time, until I learnt how to skates but not only feel jealous with others outside the ice basement...even though my whole body feel ache on next day.. =) 

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Chapter 15: Fish and Chips in Birmingham

My friend from Taiwan invited me to join her for brunch last day. I will never wake up before 12 noon, but since I will going back to Malaysia soon so I agreed to join. We having our brunch and gossip in a restaurant near to my hostel. My friend Tina's sister who came U.K to travel along with us too. I have to say that her sister is so pretty, she looks kinda alike with 欧萱.=D You can see in the photo above and maybe you will agree with me..LOL!!We have order the same dishes which is the famous fish and chips. Oh yar, the restaurant named Shakespeare and the decoration was like 70 80 century. 

The portion of the fish and chips was big and my belly was so big after finish it. What a heavy brunch hahaha!!

ps: shouldn't post the food photo at the midnight because this make me feel hungry again=(

At the end, I have to thanks to Tina again for bringing me Taiwan's snack and tea. I have try it and it was really very tasty, gonna buy a lot when I visit Taiwan. =)

Chapter 14: British High Tea

Finally, me and my friend Eunice have the chance to try the traditional British afternoon tea on last Wednesday. Seriously, we enjoy the environment of the restaurant very much. The restaurant named Browns. *near the Bullring shopping mall* The entire afternoon end up with non-stop chill chat and taking photo. =) I love the moist chocolate cake the most..xoxo

Today only do some short blog because the exam is coming soon...bless hard for me peeps =( In other my brain will tuck in with overload memorize (tons of notes + the memory i past this few days), I came and blog about my high tea afternoon.LOL!! See yar =D

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Chapter 13: First Snow

When I just get into my lovely bed at the last Tuesday midnight, my friends inbox me, MAYA!Do u wanna go downstairs play the snow?Without consider so much, I get my change in 5 minutes and getting to the downstairs. We heard people laughing and playing the snow battle!We was like a "kampung girls" and keep shouting and shooting photo with the snow.*happy* ^.^ Around one hour after, my hand was too cold and cannot move at all, so we go back to our room satisfactory. LOL!I swear I will be there again for the another snowing days!! =)

We play like a kid!xoxo

Monday, 14 January 2013

Chapter 12: Last Saturday

Just past my exhausted yet cheerful weekend. Me and my friends was shooting for a short promotion video for a Chinese restaurant. We enjoy ourselves so much and have the chance to met some new people there. Woke up early in the snowing morning, get myself prepare and try to get to the working place earlier because we need some time to do preparation such as make up and hair do.^^Luckily I involved myself and ignore my worries and outward influences. Just wanna enjoy my last month in UK with memories and happily, that all. xoxo

 Girls really should make up and dress up ourselves, not for the boys, but for ourselves..LOL

The shooting process was fun and all of us enjoy ourselves very much. After done the shooting, we having our dinner there. My friends keep convince me to join them and finally I went. =)
The party was cool!!xoxo

--------------------------------The End---------------------------------------