Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Chapter 6: I am a Waitress Now

Home made汤圆


After done some shopping in the morning,I went to my friends's place to made some "汤圆" and eat. Since everyone post the "汤圆" photo on facebook and instagram, so here I am..xoxo.. The tastes of the 圆 is not bad but I still miss the 圆 of my mum previously...But it is better than nothing isn't? lol... After finish eating and then we girls started to do the common activity that every girl will do most of the time, gossip. =) And no longer after this, my friend received a call from her friends who finding hard for people to work for him that day. Luckily I am there, so i take the offer and went to work. 

The working place is located in the casino and my job role as a waitress. The environment is kinda busy but I love it very much because I got the chance to meet new people, friends and try something new. 


The uniform kinda like malay kebaya and I am hard to wider my every single steps. But my colleague said it looks nice on me =) 

Short blog today cause I am really exhausted after walking the whole day. Wondering why? Stay tune for my next blog =) Goodnight peep!

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